Mullanpur New Chandigarh has a new address by gmada as GMADA eco city. Gmada ecocity is an ultra-modern plotted township in New Chandigarh. These plots were allotted through a draw scheme in year 2011. About 1,60,000 applications were received by Gmada for allotting a total of 863 plots sized 100/200/300/400/500 square yards. Total area of gmada ecocity 1 is about 400 acres, This land was acquired under Landpoolig scheme:
Landpooling Scheme : For every acquired Acre of land the owner (Farmers) are entitled to 1000 square yard of residential plot/plots and plus 100 square yard of commercial SCO or Booth/Booths.
Commercial showrooms and commercial booths plot are available in land pooling directly from farmers.
100.sqyd SCO/Showroom Price is about 3.50-3.75 crore
20.sqyd booth price is 60 lacs plus
10.sqyd booth price is 30 lacs plus Approx..
The above mentioned prices are tentative and are subject to change.
GMADA is acquiring about 450 more acres of additional land for Eco City Phase-3 around villages near T point at Mullanpur new Chandigarh where we turn for industrial town Baddi Himachal Pradesh on the back side of Eco city 2